Janell Kiehl Launches Campaign for Prescott Valley Town Council

Janell Kiehl is running for Prescott Valley Town Council, bringing a fresh perspective focused on water management and conservation. She advocates for projects aligned with the town’s General Plan, preserving open spaces and the small-town feel. Her platform emphasizes transparency, accountability, and inclusivity, ensuring every resident’s voice is heard. Janell’s dedication and vision make her a promising candidate for the council.

A: Who is Janell Kiehl?

JK: I am a candidate for the Prescott Valley Town Council, I am also a wife, mother, and grandmother. I am focused on being a responsive and transparent representative, advocating for fiscal responsibility, public safety, and sustainable development. I recognize the importance of community involvement and plan to continue to engage with residents and address their concerns. I am very grateful for the opportunity to meet so many citizens in Prescott valley. I am listening, so if you have ideas, suggestions, or concerns please tell Janell.

A: What is your work style with other people?

JK: My workstyle focuses on collaboration and adaptability. I strive to provide helpful, accurate information while being responsive to the needs and preferences of those I interact with. I prioritize goals and am a reliable, supportive partner committed to shared objectives.

A: Why are you running for Town Council?

JK: I have been attending meetings for a couple of years now and have met with several grassroots groups that are wanting to be heard. I have been listening, learning and they have encouraged my run for Town Council. I see the need and am ready to take the next step to serve the citizens of our community.

A: What do you believe is the role of the Town Council Member?

JK: A town council member plays a vital role in shaping the direction and quality of life in their communities by making decisions that affect a wide range of issues, from public safety, infrastructure, economic development, and social services.

A: What previous community involvement have you had?

JK: I have been involved with many organizations over the years such as Girl Scouts, PTA, and CASA legal representation for kids in foster care. I have volunteered with my children to serve the community at Food Banks and Soup Kitchens. Our family’s biggest contribution was opening our home to children in crises and fostering kids until they found their permanent home.

A: What skills and experience do you have that you believe would be beneficial to you as a Town Council member?

JK: I have a background in property management, specifically working at a homeowner’s association (HOA) manager. This role has given me experience in budgeting, asset maintenance, and addressing community concerns which would be beneficial in a town council position.

A: What is your approach to handling controversial and complicated issues?

JK: When addressing controversial and complicated issues, it’s important to prioritize open communication with empathy, and inclusivity. I listen, promote dialogue and find common ground. Transparency is crucial throughout the decision-making process to build trust. I seek out experts and I respect diversity where all voices are heard and valued. I will navigate complex issues with transparency, integrity, and a commitment to the common good.

A: Based on what you know about our Town government, what do you see as the top priorities and why?

JK: I support regional cooperation for water management and am committed to conservation efforts to ensure clean and sufficient drinking water for the community. I also advocate for development projects that align with the town’s General Plan, emphasizing the preservation of open spaces and maintaining the town’s small-town feel.

A: What is your message to our community?

JK: As we continue to grow and evolve, we need to embrace the diversity that enriches our town and strive to create a welcoming environment where everyone feels valued and included. We need to invest in our future by prioritizing infrastructure, education, innovation, and sustainable development. Protect our natural resources and work together to preserve the beauty for generations to come. Above all, never underestimate the power of community. Support your neighbors, work together, and face challenges as one. With determination and cooperation, there’s no limit to what we can achieve. Together, we can make a difference